dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

4/4/09 04:39 am - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

I haven't iconned Johnny in so long, and I have so many caps sitting on my computer. A huge chunk of these are from the first season of Jackass, so excuse the quality. One of these days, I might actually look at seasons two and three, and more recent stuff from 2.5 and Jackassworld, but it's equally as likely that I will be distracted by something Aiden-related along the way. So we'll see.

103 Johnny Knoxville )

7/9/08 09:10 pm - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

I love it when Johnny Knoxville wears his glasses. They're just so... nerdy. And amazing. Unfortunately, he doesn't wear them nearly enough when he's not acting like an old man, and I could only find two bits on the series DVDs where he was wearing them (though he wore them a lot in the Gumball Rally episode). I capped the crap out of them anyways. The quality is lacking on some of them just because of the nature of anything filmed by Jackass in the days of the TV show, so sorry.

63 Johnny Knoxville )

1/17/08 10:24 pm - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

116 Johnny Knoxville )

1/18/08 06:03 am - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

100 Johnny Knoxville )

1/17/08 09:39 pm - [info]24601 - Johnny Knoxville

I've been meaning to post my latest batch of Johnny for ages, but I guess I forgot I had 200-something on my computer, and just assumed I was going to be lazy foreeever. I'm guessing not. These are all made from caps of the extras on Jackass Number Two and Jackass: the Movie. I guess it's a good thing I just got 2.5 on my iPod, it makes it harder to cap.

More Johnny can be found here, where I conned [info]macguffin into archiving and cloning my old GJ posts onto an IJ account.

100 Johnny Knoxville )
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