dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

12/20/07 10:41 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

12/20/07 10:36 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

Sort of forgot to post the rest of them, so yay more Ville now.
100 Icons of Ville Valo )

12/17/07 02:53 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

12/17/07 02:33 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

12/17/07 02:25 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

12/17/07 02:19 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

I debated actually posting these because Ville has been my ongoing project for nearly three years now and a lot of these I've had for that long. He's one of those I have the most icons of and I love him to death. But, in the end, he gets posted anyway because everyone should have an icon or two of him.

100 Icons of Ville Valo )
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